

We’d love you to contribute to ELFund-docs!


Questions, feature requests and bug reports are all welcome as [discussions or issues](lerooze/elfund-docs#choose).

Pull Requests#

It should be relatively simple to get started and create a Pull Request.

You’ll need to have a version between python 3.8 and 3.12 and git installed.

# 1. clone your fork and cd into the repo directory
git clone<your username>/elfund-docs.git
cd elfund-docs

# 2. Set up a virtualenv
python -m venv env

# 3. Activate virtualenv
source env/bin/activate

# 4. Install elfund-docs
pip install --editable .[docs]

# 5. Checkout a new branch and cd into docs
git checkout -b my-new-feature-branch
cd docs

# 5a (optional). Copy static files
make copy

# 6 Make your changes

# 7. Build docx documentation
make docx

# 8. Copy docx documentation to static
make copy_docx

# 9. Build html documentation
make html

# ... commit, push, and create your pull request